Have you decided to fill your raised garden bed using the Hugelkultur method? Not sure whether this method is the appropriate one for you? The Hugelkultur method is a popular way of preparing the soil for your raised garden. This method is widely used among gardeners. However, there are quite a few things to consider before you use the Hugelkultur method. Some of these points of consideration have been listed below:
The Wood Type:
Make sure you use the right wood type to prepare your organic method. It would be best if you considered using hardwoods as they will break away slowly and hold the water for a longer time. However, a lot of people use softwoods as well. Some wood types that work best in this method are cottonwood, oak, birch, maple, etc. Do not go for wood that will rot easily as it can cause harm to the plants and you will again have to replace the soil after a very short time.
Different Hugelkultur Methods:
A huge variety of Hugelkultur methods are available, and you will have to choose your method depending on your requirement. You can choose an appropriate method depending on the available space and the type of plants that you would want to grow. You can also research and go for an appropriate Hugelkultur method according to the available conditions. You can also use large garden planter boxes for growing your plants.
Pest Attack:
You will also have to be aware of preparing the soil for Hugelkultur methods. Pests like termites are attracted to the large number of wood types used in preparing the soil. Also, these termites tend to live in dead trees. So, you must ensure that the logs you are using to prepare the soil are free from termites. Treating the wood before it is added to the soil is better. This is going to protect the plant from pest attacks. You will also not have to apply pesticides to the plants at regular intervals.
Preparing The Soil:
Once the compost is ready, it is time for you to prepare the soil. You must remember that you need to add a fresh layer of compost before you plant your trees. The layer of organic matter above the wood should be quite intact. In that way, the plants will get enough space to grow. You will also be able to get a lot of yield without having to put in a lot of effort. You can also add some excess organic matter to the soil in order to make it suitable for plant growth.
And this is how you can use the Hugelkultur method to grow your plants. You can use a DIY raised garden bed kit to grow your plants in a highly convenient way.